Some of you....YA!!! YOU !!! out there, are you trading using 2 -3 or even 4 computers at a time when you trade. You might think that it's cool, felt like a "PRO", but instead you are in the wrong side of the "PRO". The only pro you are in is "PRO"blem, not "PRO"fessional.
It will create dry and tired eyes, confusing and lack of focus. Also you are locking yourself out, WHY?..Let me ask you, can you trade anywhere else other than your forex trading center? What about relaxing at Starbuck with a cup of nice coffee while waiting for the forex trade? How about a trader's dream, going vacation or in cruise and trading along your trip? Can you do any of those? The answer is YES!, only you are a little different than others cos you need to pack so many boxes of computers to ship along, or maybe have a pick up truck to carry your load.
Always think!, in the Forex trading game "THE SIMPLE THE BETTER" . Like one of my mentor said, "How you do anything is How you do everything". It means, if you lock yourself out and not flexible with your tools, then you are also locking yourself and not that flexible with your trade too.
Trust me, I know what I am talking about cos I use to be one of those "PRO" too. Do you know how many computer I am using to trade forex now? Just a mini 10.2 inch notebook, very flexible to carry around, I even can trade while I am having a afternoon tea time with my mom. I love it so much, so free and flexible to move around .... so if you are one of those "PRO", make yourself flexible.