Sunday, August 23, 2009

Forex Tips - Don't lock yourself out.

Being a trader, your everyday mood is very important. If you are moody, stay aside. Or if you are not feeling well, not enough sleep...any of those thing that could drag your mood down or affect your emotion, just don' trade. Go shopping, take a walk, fishing, go spend time with your family...... or get a good nap. A clear mind is very important, without it you won't able to trade right. This is part of your discipline list you need to follow. A meditation will also help a lot too. As for me I don't drink coffee during trading days, cos caffeine make me nervous.
Most important thing, don't lock yourself out. Most of the trader never want to mix around with other trader, afraid of confusion. They will stay away from others and try to solve everything by them self. Not everyone make it out perfectly, most of them ending up more confusion. Even Pro or gurus do mix around, why not you.
Mixing around with other trader does not mean you have to listen to their opinion or follow their trading method. You look at other traders to judge your current trade in this market. Such as now, current market are not moving in perfect trend and a lot of traders are in the losing state. So if you are not mixing around , you will never know that the problem are from you or the market. Then, you blame yourself for all the losing trade and this will affect your emotions and losing confident.
We trader need to mix around to know where we are we standing at in the current market. If traders around are still making money now, this means your old method is not suitable for current market and start to make a little adjustment. We have to be flexible with our trading method. The market is your boss, if your boss is changing method or products, you need to follow with the flows or else you be fired. SIMPLE & FLEXIBLE is the key to trading.

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